
Light-Fang's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 527 (From 112 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 7,045 Points


Medals Earned: 3/5 (25/85 points)

Big Bullets! 5 Points

Make your Missiles bigger with the use of a Power-up.

First Love! 10 Points

Once in a Lifetime someone finds Love.

Ghostbuster! 10 Points

You hit a Ghost block!

Over 9000! 50 Points

You scored over 9000, really?!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Boom Go the Zombies

Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/175 points)

In your head 5 Points

Beat first 10 levels

Starfish 10 Points

Get 40 stars

Toastie 10 Points

Beat first 20 levels

Gory Gory 25 Points

Beat first 30 levels

Starfire 25 Points

Get 80 stars

Left4Won 50 Points

Beat all 40 levels

Starfall 50 Points

Get all 120 stars

BoxDude TD DX

Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/100 points)

Battle Start 5 Points

Start playing.

Versus 5 Points

Submit a score to the leaderboards.

Dark Galaxy 10 Points

Beat the Dark Galaxy map.

Green Planet 10 Points

Beat the Green Planet map.

Lava Way 10 Points

Beat the Lava Way map.

Sand Hills 10 Points

Beat the Sand Hills map.

Golden Astronaut 50 Points

Find the hidden Golden Astronaut token.

Brawl Royale

Medals Earned: 5/12 (30/300 points)

NoLegs 5 Points

Silly cat, get off ma lawn.

Red Mage 5 Points

That's not even a real sword.

Tonberry 5 Points

Go back to your cave.

Yoko 5 Points

Farukon Paaansh.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Black Waltz 10 Points


Lazarus 10 Points

Ma gun's bigger.

Mecha 25 Points

Systems failure imminent.

Natalie 25 Points

Go back to kitchen.

Canti 50 Points

Master the guitar.

Masochist 50 Points

Get killed by each enemy in one sitting.

Goku 100 Points

Save the universe from evil.

Bullet Heaven 2

Medals Earned: 5/64 (45/1,200 points)

Counter Bomb 5 Points

Use a bomb right after getting hit, and avoid the damage. Harder with less bombs and more health!

1M Points 10 Points

Score a mediocre 1,000,000 points or more in any level.

3M Points 10 Points

Score a decent 3,000,000 points or more in any level.

Easily Distracted 10 Points

Squish 100 slimes on the starting screen.

Untouchable 10 Points

Beat any standard level without getting hit at all. Simply try not to get shot.

Bullet Hell 5 Points

Die with over 999 bullets on screen. Your failure is forgiven this time.

Cheat Codes 5 Points

Unlock all cheats and handicaps. Some of them are really expensive!

Don't Do That! 5 Points

Destroy a steel or copper spike ball. Hopefully you'll learn your lesson and try not to do it again!

Overpowered Player 5 Points

Go mad with cheats and reduce your final score multiplier to zero.

Reflector Field 5 Points

Bounce back 100 bullets or more with a single shield item. Fly into those enemy bullets!

Self Destruction 5 Points

Destroy a big bomb and knock out at least 3 enemies with it. Keep a look out for bombs in enemy formations!

Star Power 5 Points

Blow away 300 bullets or more with a single star item. Clear the screen when you need it most!

5M Points 10 Points

Score an impressive 5,000,000 points or more in any level.

Autumn Breeze 10 Points

Get a "Perfect" in the 13th wave of level 8-1.

Best Buds 10 Points

Beat any 5 levels with 2 or more players. Friends are the best!

Bubble Blast 10 Points

Get a "Perfect" in the 13th wave of level 2-3.

Destroying Drones 10 Points

Get a \"Perfect\" in the 13th wave of level 7-1.

Diamond Dust 10 Points

Get a "Perfect" in the 13th wave of level 4-4.

Don't Shoot! 10 Points

Beat any standard level with the Pacifist handicap turned on. You have to time-out every wave!

Fast Foes 10 Points

Beat any level with the game sped up by 30%. Use handicaps!

Forest Time Trial 10 Points

Beat level 1-3, including all bonus waves, in 2:00 or less.

Glacier Time Trial 10 Points

Beat level 4-2, including all bonus waves, in 3:00 or less.

Golden Golem 10 Points

Get a "Perfect" in the 13th wave of level 9-4.

Grazing Gazelle 10 Points

Graze 100 bullets or more in a single level. Get into the habit of grazing for points!

Jungle Time Trial 10 Points

Beat level 5-2, including all bonus waves, in 2:30 or less.

Lilypad Spin 10 Points

Get a "Perfect" in the 13th wave of level 5-1.

Mass Extinction 10 Points

Defeat 10,000 foes in total.

Monoliths Of Power 10 Points

Get a "Perfect" in the 13th wave of level 6-4.

Pacifist 10 Points

Beat any 5 levels with the Pacifist handicap turned on. Violence isn't always the answer!

Raining Coins 10 Points

Collect £100,000 from enemies in total.

Razorleaf Storm 10 Points

Get a "Perfect" in the 13th wave of level 1-4.

Reverse Psychology 10 Points

Beat any boss with the Pacifist handicap turned on. The boss won't show you the same mercy!

Ruby Rain 10 Points

Get a \"Perfect\" in the 13th wave of level 3-4.

Sky Time Trial 10 Points

Beat level 9-4, including all bonus waves, in 3:00 or less.

Space Time Trial 10 Points

Beat level 10-1, including all bonus waves, in 2:30 or less.

Splitting Asteroids 10 Points

Get a "Perfect" in the 13th wave of level 10-2.

Strength In Numbers 10 Points

Beat any boss with 2 or more players. Should be a breeze, right?

The Ace Pilot 10 Points

Defeat 1,337 enemies in total with Lance.

The Cat 10 Points

Get a triple-star rank 3 times with NoLegs.

The Magical Girl 10 Points

Graze 2,000 enemy bullets in total with Natalie.

The Nature Girl 10 Points

Collect 77 diamonds in total with Anna.

The Pirate Knight 10 Points

Pick up £7,000 in total with Matt.

Volcano Time Trial 10 Points

Beat level 6-3, including all bonus waves, in 2:30 or less.

Weak Players 10 Points

Beat any level with your attack reduced by 30%, and with bullet clearing disabled. Use handicaps!

10M Points 25 Points

Score an amazing 10,000,000 points or more in any level.

Beach Clear 25 Points

Rescue the beached sea creature and complete world 2.

Binging Bear 25 Points

Graze 1000 bullets or more in a single level. Should try this on a higher difficulty setting!

Boss Slayer 25 Points

Defeat all 10 world bosses on Hard difficulty, with at least a B rank for each.

Desert Clear 25 Points

Vandalize an ancient machine and complete world 3.

Forest Clear 25 Points

Tear down the bushy fortress and complete world 1.

Glacier Clear 25 Points

Smash the warrior of ice and complete world 4.

Heavenly Hero 25 Points

Defeat all 10 world bosses on Heavenly difficulty, with at least a B rank for each.

Imperishable 25 Points

Beat any boss without getting hit at all. The best way to do this is to not get hit.

Jungle Clear 25 Points

Eradicate the queen of pests and complete world 5.

Perfect Run 25 Points

Collect all 13 diamonds in any level in one run.

Volcano Clear 25 Points

Burst the giant eyeball and complete world 6.

Armory Clear 50 Points

Nuke the iron behemoth and complete world 7.

Burst Eyeballs 50 Points

Take out 60 of the eyeball boss's small eyes, during a single battle with it. Poke 'em out!

Graveyard Clear 50 Points

Vanquish the beast of nightmares and complete world 8.

Hyper Star 50 Points

Get a star rank in all 50 standard levels, on Hard difficulty or higher.

Sky Clear 50 Points

Shoot down the guardian of heaven and complete world 9.

Super Star 50 Points

Get a star rank in all 50 standard levels, on any difficulty.

Space Clear 100 Points

Destroy the ultimate monstrosity and complete world 10.

Ultra Star 100 Points

Get a star rank in all 50 standard levels, on Heavenly difficulty.

Bullet Heaven 3 [Prototype]

Medals Earned: 9/16 (120/500 points)

Baby Steps 5 Points

Buy your first of many upgrades.

Getting Buff 5 Points

Max out any upgrade type. Some have more levels than others.

Making it Rain 5 Points

Collect 2,000 money or more in any one level. Money multiplier helps.

Blaster Master 10 Points

Get two attack power ups at the same time for massive damage.

Bouncer 10 Points

Reflect 30 bullets with one shield power up. Try not to touch the foes though.

Bushwhacker 10 Points

Kill 1,000 foes dead.

Going Big 25 Points

Get a Total High Score of 300,000 or more.

Totally Shredded 25 Points

Grind a bit and max out all upgrades.

Warmed Up 25 Points

Beat the first 10 levels.

Whodunnit? 5 Points

Check out and maybe even read the credits.

Unperishable 25 Points

Beat any level after level 10 without taking damage.

Going Bigger 50 Points

Get a Total High Score of 1,000,000 or more. Can only be done on Hard Mode.

Hard Mode Complete 50 Points

Beat all 20 levels again on Hard Mode.

Prototype Complete 50 Points

Beat all 20 levels and finish the game.

Hardcore 100 Points

Get an A rank or better in every level on Hard Mode.

Softcore 100 Points

Get an A rank or better in every level.

Call of Sword

Medals Earned: 5/16 (55/500 points)

Family man 5 Points

Find uncle

First Battle 5 Points

Meet the Thug

Abbey Road 10 Points

Find Abbey

Butcher 10 Points

Kill 20 Thugs

Tremors 25 Points

Meet the Hummer

Gunslinger 10 Points

Kill 10 enemies by pistol

Master 10 Points

X20 combo!

Bullet time 25 Points

Meet the Gun Thug

Dodger 25 Points

Kill 15 Gun Thugs

Ragged dynasty 25 Points

Defeat the Gentleman

Toughie 25 Points

Kill 15 Hummers

Truth 25 Points

Find the Keeper

Savior? 50 Points

Finish the game

Searcher 50 Points

Find all secrets

Idealist 100 Points

Complete with all A+

Technician 100 Points

Defeat the Robot


Medals Earned: 2/9 (20/175 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Cheese Barn

Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/80 points)

First Cheese 5 Points

Eat one cheese

Cheese Lover 25 Points

Eat 15 cheese

Mega Brain 50 Points

solve all the puzzles


Medals Earned: 4/20 (35/495 points)

Hello Spells! 5 Points

Cast your first spell

Kitty Kitty 10 Points

Get smacked by the kitty

Novice Traveler 10 Points

Travel 5000 meters

Reach for the Stars 10 Points

Reach the stars

Untapped Potential 5 Points

Get any spell to level 5

Buster 10 Points

Break through 50 obstacles

Lost Traveller 10 Points

Travel backwards at least 500 feet in one run

Super Tender 10 Points

Bounce chicken 1000 times on the ground

Animal Master 25 Points

Get 30000 experience from creatures

Animal Trickery 25 Points

Get 600 experience from creatures in one run

Coming Through! 25 Points

Break through 5 obstacles in one run.

Exemplary Student 25 Points

Get to wizard level 10

Experienced Traveller 25 Points

Travel 50,000 meters

Spell Prowess 25 Points

Get any spell to level 10

Tenderizer 25 Points

Bounce chicken on ground at least 20 times in one run

Boarwarts Grad 50 Points

Get to wizard level 20

Bookworm 50 Points

Level all spells at least once

Master Traveller 50 Points

Travel 500,000 meters

Power Overwhelming 50 Points

Get any spell to level 15

Spell Mastery 50 Points

Cast a power level 50 spell